
Building Restacks

Regardless of the size of your business, once the decision to relocate or to downsize/upsize has been made, a systematic plan to accomplish that goal with minimum disruption to daily business and productivity is at hand.

The earlier we are involved the easier the restack will be as we lead the team of professionals (i.e. leasing agents, space planners, interior designers, furniture specification and purchase, telecommunications, etc.). By contracting with professionals who specialize in balancing function, space, and aesthetics, the project has the best potential for solving your

requirements. A planned environment is a productive environment. By carefully planning your new office, you can get the most out of every square foot of office space, stimulate work output and increase company morale.

First and foremost when you are relocating is to take our facility and space planner along with the leasing agents for guidance. If this is done it will lessen the risk of securing a place that will not accommodate projected needs. The lease should be written with its commencement date set as close as possible to the expiration date of your old lease. We will help with
this as well.

The rest is a systematic plan that can take 6-9 months after the property is secured and the lawyers get to work. We have over 25 years of experience planning, securing, building out and furnishing commercial office space that will suit your needs and budget.

Contact Us

Beverly Blum


Michael Jay



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